
1. Toys

; Is 'x' an atom
(define atom?
    (and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))

2. Do It, Do It Again, and Again, and Again...

; Is 'l' a list of atoms
(define lat?
      ((null? l) #t)
      ((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
      (else #f))))
; Is 'a' a member of 'lat'
(define member?
  (lambda (a lat)
      ((null? lat) #f)
      (else (or (eq? (car lat) a)
                (member? a (cdr lat)))))))

The First Commandment

Always ask null? as the first question in expressing any function.

3. Cons the Magnificent

; Remove 'a' from 'lat'
; But not quite right.
(define rember
  (lambda (a lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      (else (cond
              ((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
              (else (rember a (cdr lat))))))))

The Second Commandment

Use cons to build lists.

; Fixed by consing the first part of the list
(define rember
  (lambda (a lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      (else (cond
              ((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
              (else (cons (car lat)
                          (rember a
                                  (cdr lat)))))))))
; Simplified.
(define rember
  (lambda (a lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                (rember a (cdr lat)))))))

The Third Commandment

When building a list, describe the first typical element, and then cons it onto the natural recursion.

; Take all the firsts elements of all the list-elements of 'l'
(define firsts
  (lambda (l)
      ((null? l) (quote()))
      (else (cons (car (car l))
              (firsts (cdr l)))))))
; Insert 'new' to the right of 'old' in list of atoms 'lat'
(define insertR
  (lambda (new old lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) old)
       (cons old (cons new (cdr lat))))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                  (insertR new old
                          (cdr lat)))))))
; Insert 'new' to the left of 'old' in list of atoms 'lat'
(define insertL
  (lambda (new old lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) old)
       (cons new lat))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                  (insertR new old
                          (cdr lat)))))))
; Substitute the first occurence of 'new' with 'old' in list of atoms 'lat'
(define subst
  (lambda (new old lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) old)
       (cons new (cdr lat)))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                  (insertR new old
                          (cdr lat)))))))
; Remove all occurences of 'a' from 'lat'
(define multirember
  (lambda (a lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) a) (multirember a (cdr lat)))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                  (multirember a
                          (cdr lat)))))))

The Fourth Commandment

Always change at least one argument while recurring. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition: when using cdr, test termination with null?.

; Substitute 'new' with 'old' in list of atoms 'lat'
(define multisubst
  (lambda (new old lat)
      ((null? lat) (quote()))
      ((eq? (car lat) old)
       (cons new (multisubst new old (cdr lat))))
      (else (cons (car lat)
                  (multisubst new old
                          (cdr lat)))))))

Numbers Games

(define add1
  (lambda (n)
    (+ n 1)))

(define sub1
  (lambda (n)
    (- n 1)))
;Addition using primitives
(define o+
  (lambda (n m)
      ((zero? m) n)
      (else (add1 (o+ n (sub1 m)))))))

;Subtraction using primitives
(define o-
  (lambda (n m)
      ((zero? m) n)
      (else (sub1 (o- n (sub1 m)))))))

The First Commandment

(first revision)
When recurring on a list of atoms, lat, ask two questions about it: (null? lat) and else.
When recurring on a number, n, ask two questions about it: (zero? n) and else.

; Add numbers in a tuple
(define addtup
  (lambda (tup)
      ((null? tup) 0)
      (else (+ (car tup) (addtup (cdr tup)))))))

The Fourth Commandment

(first revision)
Always change at least one argument while recurring. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition: when using cdr, test termination with null? and when using sub1, test termination with zero?.

; Multiplication using primitives
(define o*
  (lambda (n m)
      ((zero? m) 0)
      (else (o+ n (o* n (sub1 m)))))))

The Fifth Commandment

When building a value with o+, always use 0 for the value of the terminating line, for adding 0 does not change the value of an addition. When building a value with o*, always use 1 for the value of the terminating line, for multiplying by 1 does not change the value of a multiplication. When building a value with cons, always consider () for the value of the terminating line.

; Addition of two tuples
(define tup+
  (lambda (tup1 tup2)
      ((null? tup1) tup2)
      ((null? tup2) tup1)
        (cons (o+ (car tup1) (car tup2)) 
          (tup+ (cdr tup1) (cdr tup2)))))))
; Greater than
(define >
  (lambda (n m)
      ((zero? n) #f)
      ((zero? m) #t)
      (else (> (sub1 n) (sub1 m))))))
; Is Equal to (using > and <)
(define =
  (lambda (n m)
      ((> n m) #f)
      ((< n m) #f)
      (else #t))))
; exponential
(define expt
  (lambda (n m)
      ((zero? m) 1)
      (else (* n (sub1 m))))))
; Division
(define quotient
  (lambda (n m)
      ((< n m) 0)
      (else (add1 (quotient (- n m) m))))))
; Length
(define length
  (lambda (lat)
      ((null? lat) 0)
      (else (add1 (length (cdr lat)))))))
; Equal number or atom
(define eqan
  (lambda (a1 a2)
      ((and (number? a1) (number? a2)) 
        (= a1 a2))
      ((or (number? a1) (number? a2)) #f)  
      (else (eq? a1 a2)))))

Oh My Gawd: It's Full of Stars

; remove member recursively
(define rember*
  (lambda (a l)
      ((null? l) (quote()))
      ((atom? (car l))
          ((eq? (car l) a)
            (rember* a (cd l)))
          (else (cons (car l)
                  (rember* a (cdr l))))))
      (else (cons (rember* a (car l)) 
              (rember* a (cdr l)))))))
; Insert atom `new` to the right of `old` recursively
(define insertR*
  (lambda (new old l)
      ((null? l) (quote()))
      ((atom? (car l))
          ((eq? (car l) old)
            (cons old
              (cons new 
                (insertR* new old (cdr l)))))
          (else (cons (car l)
                  (insertR* new old (cdr l))))))
      (else (cons (insertR* new old (car l)) 
              (insertR* new old (cdr l)))))))

The First Commandment

(final version)
When recurring on a list of atoms, lat, ask two questions about it: (null? lat) and else.
When recurring on a number, n, ask two questions about it: (zero? n) and else.
When recurring on a list of S-expressions, l, ask three questions about it: (null? l), (atom? (car l))and else.

The Fourth Commandment

(final version)
Always change at least one argument while recurring.
When recurring on a list of atoms, lat, use (cdr lat).
When recurring on a number, n, use (sub1 n).
And when recurring on a list of S-expressions, l, use (car l) and (cdr l) if neither (null? l) or (atom? l) are true.

It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition:

when using cdr, test termination with null? and
when using sub1, test termination with zero?.

; Occurence
(define occur*
  (lambda (a l)
      ((null? l) 0)
      ((atom? (car l))
          ((eq? (car l) a)
            (add1 (occur* a (cdr l))))
          (else (occur* a (cdr l)))))
      (else (+ (occur* a (car l)) 
              (occur* a (cdr l)))))))
; Is a member?
(define occur*
  (lambda (a l)
      ((null? l) #f)
      ((atom? (car l))
          (eq? (car l) a)
          (member* a (cdr l))))
      (else (or (member* a (car l)) 
              (member* a (cdr l)))))))
; Are the two lists equal?
(define eqlist*
  (lambda (l1 l2)
      ((and (null? l1) (null? l2)) #t)
      ((or (null? l1) (null? l2)) #f)
      ((and (atom? (car l1)) 
          (atom? (car l2)))
          (and (eqan? (car l1) (car l2)) 
            (eqan? (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))
      ((or (atom? (car l1)) 
        (atom? (car l2))) #f)
      (else (and (eqlist* (car l1) (car l2)) 
              (eqlist* (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))))
; Are the S-expressions equal?
(define equal*
  (lambda (s1 s2)
      ((and (atom? ls1) (atom? s2))
        (eqan? s1 s2))
      ((or (atom? s1) (atom? s2)) #f)
      (else (eqlist? s1 s2)))))
; using equal?
(define eqlist*
  (lambda (l1 l2)
      ((and (null? l1) (null? l2)) #t)
      ((or (null? l1) (null? l2)) #f)
      (else (and (eqlist* (car l1) (car l2)) 
              (eqlist* (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))))

The Sixth Commandment

Simplify only after the function is correct.

; Is the input an arithmetic expression?
(define numbered?
  (lambda (aexp)
      ((atom? aexp) (number? aexp))
        (and (numbered? (car aexp)) 
          (numbered? (car (cdr (cdr aexp)))))))))
; Value of the given expression
(define value
  (lambda (nexp)
      ((atom? nexp) ...)
      ((eq? (car (cdr nexp)) (quote +)) 
      ((eq? (car (cdr nexp)) (quote x)) 

The Seventh Commandment

Recur on the subparts that are of the same nature:
On the sublists of a list. On the subexpressions of an arithematic expression. ***

; Value of the given expression
(define value
  (lambda (nexp)
      ((atom? nexp) nexp)
      ((eq? (car (cdr nexp)) (quote +)) 
        (+ (value (car nexp))
          (value (car (cdr (cdr nexp))))))
      ((eq? (car (cdr nexp)) (quote x)) 
        (x (value (car nexp))
          (value (car (cdr (cdr nexp))))))
        (** (value (car nexp))
          (value (car (cdr (cdr nexp)))))))))
; Some Abstraction
(define 1st-sub-exp
  (lambda (aexp) 
    (car (cdr aexp))))
(define 2nd-sub-exp
  (lambda (aexp) 
    (car (cdr (cdr aexp)))))
(define operator
  (lambda (aexp) 
    (car aexp)))

(define value
  (lambda (nexp)
      ((atom? nexp) nexp)
      ((eq? (operator nexp) (quote +)) 
        (+ (1st-sub-exp nexp)
          (2nd-sub-exp nexp)))
      ((eq? (operator nexp) (quote x)) 
        (x (1st-sub-exp nexp)
          (2nd-sub-exp nexp)))
        (** (value (1st-sub-exp nexp))
          (value (2nd-sub-exp nexp)))))))

The Eighth Commandment

Use help functions to abstract from representations.

The Tenth Commandment

Build functions to collect more than one value at a time.


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