
Numerical Problems

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  • Issues of Precision and Error. Floating point issues. Use both single and double precision, and think hard when they diverge.
  • Extensive Libraries of Code. There is no reason to not to use all thats already written.

Solving Linear Equations

Input description: An \(m \times n\) matrix \(A\) and an \(m \times 1\) vector \(b\), together representing \(m\) linear equations on \(n\) variables.
Problem description: What is the vector \(x\) such that \(A \cdot x = b\)?

  • Naive algorithm using Gaussian Elimination is \(O(n^3)\).
  • Issues to worry about,
    • Are roundoff errors and numerical stability affecting my solution? Use library routines.
    • Which routine in the library should I use? Reduce to special form for faster implementations.
    • Is my system sparse? Use specialized algorithms for faster implementations.
    • Will I be solving many systems using the same coefficient matrix? Use LU Decomposition.
      $$A \cdot x = (L \cdot U) \cdot x = L \cdot (U \cdot x) = b$$

      This gives a solution in two \(O(n^2)\) since backsubstitution gives solves triangular system of equations in quadratic time instead of \(O(n^3)\), after \(LU\) decomposition has been done in \(O(n^3)\).
  • Implementations
    • LAPACK(C/C++)
    • JScience, JAMA(Java)
  • Related : Matrix multipplication, determinant/permanent

Bandwidth Reduction

Input description: A graph \(G = (V,E)\), representing an \(n \times n\) matrix \(M\) of zero and non-zero elements.
Problem description: Which permutation \(p\) of the vertices minimizes the length of the longest edge when the vertices are ordered on a line—i.e. , minimizes \(max(i,j) \in E |p(i) − p(j)|\)?

  • Applied to matrices bandwidth reduction permutes the rows and columns of a sparse matrix to minimize the distance \(b\) of any non-zero entry from the center diagonal.
  • Gaussian elimination can be performed in \(O(nb^2)\) on matrices of bandwidth \(b\). This is a big win over \(O(n^3)\) if \(b << n\).
  • An example on graphs
    • Arranging \(n\) circuit components in a line to minimize the length of the longest wire(and hence time delay) is a bandwidth problem.
    • A hypertext application with links on a magnetic tape, we need to store linked objects near each other to minimize search time.
    • More general formulations of rectangular circuit layouts and disks inherit the same hardness and heuristics.
  • Variations
    • In linear arrangement, we seek to minimize the sum of the lengths of the edges.
    • In profile minimization, we seek to minimize the sum of one way distances for each vertex \(v\) the length of the longest edge whose other vertex is the left of \(v\).
  • Unfortunately, this is NP-complete, even for a tree, thus or only options are a brute-force search or heuristics.
  • Heuristic in worst case \(O(n^3)\), close to linear in practice.
  • Brute-force in \(n!\) possible permutations.
  • Implementations
  • Related : Solving linear equations, topological sort

Matrix Multiplication

Input description: An \(x \times y\) matrix \(A\) and a \(y \times z\) matrix \(B\).
Problem description: Compute the \(x \times z\) matrix \(A \times B\).

  • A fundamental problem in linear algebra.
  • Multiplication can done in arbitrary order, with varying costs in \(O(xyz)\), but minimum can not be predicted.
  • With bandwidth-\(b\) matrices, a speedup of \(O(xbz)\) can be achieved.
  • Strassen's algorithm using divide-and-conquer runs in \(O(n^{2.81})\), but is only practically useful for \(n > 100\).
  • For long chains on matrix multiplications, dynamic programming can be used to optimize the parenthesization to minimize the dimensions of intermediate results.
  • Related : Solving linear equations, shortest path.

Determinants and Permanents

Input description: An \(n \times n\) matrix \(M\).
Problem description: What is the determinant \(|M|\) or permanent \(perm(M)\) of the matrix \(M\)?

  • Used to solve a variety of problems.
    • Testing if a matrix is singular, i.e. the matrix has no inverse, iff \(|M|=0\).
    • Test whether a set of points lie in a plane, iff \(|M|=0\).
    • Test whether a point lies in the left or right side of a line or a plane.
    • Compute area or volume of a triangle, tetrahedron or other simplicial complex.
      $$|M| = \sum_{i=1}^{n!}(-1)^{sign(\pi_i)} \prod_{j=1}^n M[j,\pi_j]$$
  • This is \(O(n!)\). However can be done faster using LU decomposition in \(O(n^3)\).
  • Closely related, permanent, counts the number of perfect matchings in \(G\), represented by its adjacency matrix \(M\).
    $$perm(M) = \sum_{i=1}^{n!} \prod_{j=1}^n M[j, \pi_j] $$
    However, calculating this is NP-hard.
  • Related : Solving linear equations, matching, geometric primitives.

Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization

Input description: A function \(f(x_1, \ldots , x_n)\).
Problem description: What point \(p = (p_1, \ldots , p_n)\) maximizes (or minimizes) the function \(f\)?

  • Optimization arises whenever there is an objective function that must be tuned for optimal performance.
  • Pattern recognition to energy/potential minimization
  • Questions to ask,
    • Am I doing constrained ot unconstrained optimization?
    • Is the function I am trying to optimize described by a formula?
    • Is it expensive to compute the function at a given point?
    • How many dimensions do we have? How many do we need?
    • How smooth is my function?
  • Variations of gradient descent and simulated annealing
  • Related : Linear programming, satisfiability

Linear Programming

Input description: A set \(S\) of

$$ linear inequalities on $m$ variables $$

S_i := \sum_{j=1}^m c_{ij} \cdot x_j \ge b_i, 1 \le i \le n\($ and a linear optimization function $f(X) = \sum_{j=1}^m c_j \cdot x_j\).
Problem description: Which variable assignment \(X'\) maximizes the objective function \(f\) while satisfying all inequalities \(S\)?

  • Most important problem in mathematical optimization and operations research.
    • Resource allocation
    • Approximating the solution of inconsistent equations.
    • Graph algorithms : Many can be solved using linear programming, most of the rest can be solved using Integer linear programming.
  • The simplex method.
  • While a simple algorithm, needs considerable art and the right data structures for large sparse systems.
  • Also used, interior-point methods.
  • Commercial solutions are of much higher quality than free/open source solutions.
  • Questions to ask,
    • Do any variables have integrality constraints? Although it is NP-complete, reasonable programs are available.
    • Do I have more variables or constraints? If there are more constraints than variables, consider solving the dual LP, which would be much easier.
    • What if my optimization function or constraints are not linear? Although fast implementations exist(for quadratic programming), but this is NP-complete.
    • What if my model does not match the input format of my LP solver? Map your problem to standard forms.
  • Implementations
  • Related : Constrained and Unconstrained optimization, network flow

Random Number Generation

Input description: Nothing, or perhaps a seed.
Problem description: Generate a sequence of random integers.

  • Discrete event simulations, passwords and cryptographic keys, randomized algorithms for graph and geometric problems.

    Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is , of course, in a state of sin. -- Von Neumann.

  • However, we can create pseudorandom numbers.
  • Questions to ask,
    • Should my program use the same random numbers each time it runs?
    • How good is my compiler's built-in random number generator?
    • What if I must implement my own random-number generator?
      $$R_n = (aR_{n-1} + c) \mod m$$
    • What if I don't want such large numbers?
    • What if I need non-uniformly distributed random numbers?
    • How long should I run my Monte-Carlo simulation to get the best results?
  • Related : Constrained and unconstrained optimization, generating permutations, generating subsets, generating partitions.

Factoring and Primality Testing

Input description: An integer \(n\).
Problem description: Is \(n\) a prime number, and if not what are its factors?

  • Long suspected of being only of mathematical interest, these problems have surprisingly many applications.
  • The RSA, has tables, games.
  • Several algorithms and implementations exist for generating and testing prime numbers and factoring(exponential).
  • Related : Cryptography, high precision arithmetic

Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic

Input description: Two very large integers, \(x\) and \(y\).
Problem description: What is \(x + y\), \(x − y\), \(x \times y\), and \(x/y\)?

  • Many applications require much larger integers than that can fit into a 32-bit integer.
  • Questions to ask,
    • Am I solving a problem instance requiring large integers, or do I have an embedded application?
    • Do I need high- or arbitrary-precision arithmetic?
    • What base should I do arithmetic in?
    • How low-level are you willing to get for fast computation?
  • The basic operations,
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Multiplication
    • Division
    • Exponentiation
  • Related : Factoring Integers, cryptography

Knapsack Problem

Input description: A set of items \(S = \{1, \cdots , n\}\), where item \(i\) has size \(s_i\) and value \(v_i\). A knapsack capacity is \(C\).
Problem description: Find the subset \(S' \subset S\) that maximizes the value of \(\sum_{i \in S'}v_i\), given that \(\sum_{i \in S'}s_i \le C\); i.e. , all the items fit in a knapsack of size \(C\).

  • Resource allocation and financial constraints.
  • Variations
    • \(0/1\) problem, where objects can not be broken arbitarily. This makes it hard.
  • Questions to consider,
    • Does every item have the same cost/value or the same size? This becomes easy
    • Does each item have the same “price per pound”? NP-complete, but still is considered "easy". Also called subset problem. Integer partition becomes a special case.
    • Are all the sizes relatively small integers? Can be solved in \(O(nC)\), $C = $ capacity.
    • What if I have multiple knapsacks? Bin-packing problem.
  • Greedy heuristics often give "good" approximations.
    • Based on 'price per pound'.
    • Convert weights to integers using scaling.
  • Related : Bin packing, integer programming

Discrete Fourier Transform

Input description: A sequence of \(n\) real or complex values \(h_i, 0 \le i \le n − 1\), sampled at uniform intervals from a function \(h\).
Problem description: The discrete Fourier transform \(H_m = \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} h_k e^{2\pi ikm/n\)} for \(0 \le m \le n − 1\).

  • Electric engineers eat these for breakfast.
  • They provide a way to transform samples of a time series into the frequency domain.
  • Appplications include,
    • Filtering
    • Image compression
    • Convolution and deconvolution
    • Computing the correlation of functions
      $$z(t) = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}f(\tau)g(t + \tau)d\tau$$
  • Naive implementation works in \(O(n^2)\).
  • The fast Fourier transform(FFT) computes discrete fourier transform in \(O(n \log n)\).
  • Often implemented in hardware for real time performance.
  • Related : Data compression, high-precision arithmetic


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