
How to design algorithms?

Using 'The right stuff'.,..

  1. Do I really understand the problem?
    • What exactly does the input consist of?
    • What exactly are the desired results or outputs?
    • Can I construct an input example small enough to solve by hand? What happens when I try to solve it?
    • How important is it to my application that i always find the optimal answer? Can I settle for something close to the optimal answer?
    • How large is a typical instance of my problem? Will I be working on 10 items? 1,000 items? 1,000,000 items?
    • How important is speed in my application? Must the problem be solved within one second? One minute? One hour? One day?
    • How much time and effort can I invest in implementation? Will I be limited to simple algorithms that can be coded up in a day, or do I have the freedom to experiment with a couple of approaches and see which is best?
    • Am I trying to solve a numerical problem? A graph algorithm problem? A geometric problem? A string problem? A set problem? Which formulation seems easiest?
  2. Can I find a simple algorithm or heuristic for my problem?
    • Will brute force solve my problem correctly by searching through all subsets or arrangements and picking the best one?
      • If so, why am I sure this algorithm always gives the correct answer?
      • How do I measure the quality of a solution once I construct it?
      • Does this simple, slow solution run in polynomial or exponential time? Is my problem small enough that this brute-force solution will suffice?
      • Am I certain that my problem is sufficiently well defined to actually have a correct solution?
    • Can I solve my problem by repeatedly trying some simple rule,, like picking the biggest item first? the smallest item first? A random item first?
      • If so, on what types of inputs does this heuristic work well? Do these correspond to the data that might arise in my application?
      • On what types of inputs does this heuristic work badly? If no such examples can be found, can I show that it always works well?
      • How fast does my heuristic come up with an answer? Does it have a simple implementation?
  3. Is my problem in the catalog of algorithmic problems in the back of this book?
    • What is known about the problem? Is there an implementation available that I can use?
    • Did I look into the right place for my problem? Did I browse through all pictures? Did I look in the index under all possible keywords?
    • Are there relevant resources available on the World Wide Web? Did I do a Google web and Google Scholar search? Did I go to the page associated with this book?
  4. Are there special cases of the problem that I know how to solve?
    • Can I solve the problem efficiently if I ignore some of the input parameters?
    • Does the problem become easier to solve when I set some of the input parameters to trivial values, such as 0 or 1?
    • Can I simplify the problem to the point where I can solve it efficiently?
    • Why can't this special case algorithm be generalized to a wider class of inputs?
    • Is my problem a special case of a more general problem in the catalog?
  5. Which of the standard algorithm design paradigms are most relevant to my problem?
    • Is there a set of items that can be sorted by size or some key? Does this sorted order make it easier to find the answer?
    • Is there a way to split the problem in two smaller problems, perhaps by doing a binary search? How about partitioning the elements into big and small, or left and right? Does this suggest a divide-a-conquer algorithm?
    • Do the input objects or desired solution have a natural left-to-right order, such as characters in a string, elements of a permutation, or leaves of a tree? Can I use dynamic programming to exploit this order?
    • Are there certain operations being done repeatedly, such as searching, or finding the largest/smallest element? Can I use a data structure to speed up these queries? What about a dictionary/hash table or a heap/priority queue?
    • Can I use random sampling to select which object to pick next? What about constructing many random configurations and picking the best one? Can I use some kind of directed randomness like simulated annealing to zoom in on the best solution?
    • Can I formulate my problem as a linear program? How about an integer program?
    • Does my problem seem something like satisfiability, the travelling salesman problem, or some other NP-complete problem? Might the problem be NP-complete problem? Might the problem be NP-complete and thus not have an efficient algorithm? Is it in the problem list in the back of Garey and Johnson?
  6. Am I sill stumped?
    • Am I willing to spend money to hire an expert to tell me what to do?
    • Why don't I go back to the beginning and work through these questions again? Did any of my answers change during my latest trip through the list? Backtrack!!

A Catalog of Algorithmic Problems

Data Structures

Numerical Problems

Combinatorial Problems

Graph Problems : Polynomial-Time

Graph Problems : Hard Problems

Computational Geometry

Set and String Problems


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