
Set and String Problems

Set Cover

Input description: A collection of subsets \(S = {S_1, \ldots , S_m}\) of the universal set \(U = {1, \ldots , n}\).
Problem description: What is the smallest subset \(T\) of \(S\) whose union equals the universal set—i.e. , \( \cup_{i=1}^{|T|} T_i = U\)?

  • Several variations of set problem,
    • Are you allowed to cover elements more than once? Distinction between set cover and set packing.
    • Are your sets derived from the edges or vertices of a graph? Can be modeled as vertex cover instead.
    • Do your subsets contain only two elements each? You are in luck. Becomes NP-complete with three variables.
    • Do you want to cover elements with sets, or sets with elements
  • Greedy is the most natural and effective heuristic for set cover.
  • Simulated annealing is likely to produce somewhat better set covers.
  • Backtracking can be used to guarantee an optimal solution, but is computationally very expensive.
  • Alternative, integer programming formulation of set cover.
  • Related : Matching, vertex cover, set packing

Set Packing

Input description: A set of subsets \(S = {S_1, \ldots , S_m}\) of the universal set \(U = {1, \ldots , n}\).
Problem description: Select (an ideally small) collection of mutually disjoint subsets from \(S\) whose union is the universal set.

  • Must every element appear in exactly one selected subset? This will be NP-complete is yes.
  • Does each element have its own singleton set?
  • What is the penalty for covering elements twice?
  • The same heuristics as in set cover work here.
  • Related : Independent set, set cover

String Matching

Input description: A text string \(t\) of length \(n\). A pattern string \(p\) of length \(m\).
Problem description: Find the first (or all) instances of pattern \(p\) in the text.

  • Arises in almost all text-processing applications.
  • Issues to look for,
    • Are your search patterns and/or texts short? Simple \(O(mn)\) would suffice.
    • What about longer texts and patterns? Preprocessing the search pattern can help improve the jumps on finding a mismatch.
    • Do I expect to find the pattern or not? Check backwards and perform better jumps.
    • Will you perform multiple queries on the same text? Use suffix trees or suffix arrays.
    • Will you search many texts using the same patterns? Build finite automaton. Also useful when searching for regular expressions.
    • What if our text or pattern contains a spelling error? Use Approximate string matching algorithms.
  • Implementations : Strmat, grep and variants, Boost string algorithms.
  • Related : Suffix trees, approximate string matching

Approximate String Matching

Input description: A text string \(t\) and a pattern string \(p\).
Problem description: What is the minimum-cost way to transform \(t\) to \(p\) using insertions, deletions, and substitutions?

  • A fundamental problem because we live in an error-prone world.
  • Dynamic programming provides the basic approach. \(D[i,j]\) = cost of editing \(i\) characters of string \(p\) into first \(j\) characters of text \(t\). The recurrence selected the minimum of,
    • if \(p_i = t_j\) then \(D[i-1, j-1]\) else \(D[i-1, j-1] +\) substitution cost.
    • \(D[i-1, j] +\) deletion cost of \(p_j\).
    • \(D[i, j+1] +\) deletion cost of \(t_j\).
  • Several issues remain however,
    • Do I match the pattern against the full text, or against a substring?
    • How should I select the substitution and insertion/deletion costs?
    • How do I find the actual alignment of the strings?
    • What if the two strings are very similar to each other?
    • Is your pattern short or long? You can use bit-parallel algorithms, which can be many times faster than dynamic programming.
    • How can I minimize the required storage? Quadratic space required by dp table is only required if you need to reconstruct the actual sequence alignment.
    • Should I score long runs of indels differently?
    • Does similarity mean strings that sound alike?
  • Implementations : agrep, nrgrep, TRE
  • Related : String matching, longest common substring

Text Compression

Input description: A text string \(S\).
Problem description: Create a shorter text string \(S'\) such that \(S\) can be correctly reconstructed from \(S'\).

  • Decreasing secondary storage prices seem to have increased interest in data compression, because there is more data to compress.
  • Several questions arise while selecting the right compression algorithm,
    • Must we recover the exact input text after compression? Lossy vs Lossless encoding. Documents can't use lossy compression. Images/videos can.
    • Can I simplify my data before I compress it? Any information that can be removed would help in compression later.
    • Does it matter whether the algorithm is patented? Just something to look out for.
    • How do I compress image data? Use JPEG.
    • Must compression run in real time? Depends on the application.
  • Several dozen algorithms are available,
    • Huffman codes, greedy variable length encoding based on frequency.
    • Lempel-ziv algorithms (LZV compression), just use this.
  • Implementations : gzip, bzip2
  • Related : Shortest common superstring, cryptography


Input description: A plaintext message \(T\) or encrypted text \(E\), and a key \(k\).
Problem description: Encode \(T\) (decode \(E\)) using \(k\) giving \(E\) (\(T\)).

  • Foundation for the modern internet.
  • Three classes of cryptosystems everyone should be aware of,
    • Ceaser shifts, substitute on character for something else. Easy to break using statistical analysis.
    • Block shuffle ciphers, DES(now crackable), AES, Triple DES.
    • Public key cryptography, RSA
  • Never try to roll out your own novel cryptosystem. It is not going to work.
  • Certain problems related to cryptography,
    • How can I validate the integrity of data against random corruption? use checksums, cyclic redundancy check.
    • How can I validate the integrity of data against deliberate corruption? MD5, SHA-256.
    • How can I prove that a file has not been changed? Digital signatures.
    • How can I restrict access to copyrighted material? Stream ciphers are used, but are needed to be protected by the law.
  • Implementations : Nettle, Crypto++
  • Related : Factoring and primality testing, text compression

Finite State Machine Minimization

Input description: A deterministic finite automaton \(M\).
Problem description: Create the smallest deterministic finite automaton \(M'\) such that \(M'\) behaves identically to \(M\).

  • Useful in control systems, compilers, software and hardware design.
  • Minimizing the state machine can reduce both storage and execution costs.
  • Consider three different problems,
    • Minimizing deterministic finite state machine, be removing redundancy.
    • Constructing deterministic machines from nondeterministic machines, this can however be worse than NP-complete, as the number of states blow up exponentially.
    • Constructing machines from regular expressions, can construct either NFA or DFA.
  • Related : Satisfiability, string matching

Longest Common Substring/Subsequence

Input description: A set \(S\) of strings \(S_1, \ldots , Sn\).
Problem description: What is the longest string \(S'\) such that all the characters of \(S'\) appear as a substring or subsequence of each \(S_i, 1 \le i \le n\)?

  • Arises when finding similarity among multiple sequences.
  • Issues arising include,
    • Are you looking for a common substring?
    • Are you looking for a common scattered subsequence?
    • What if there are relatively few sets of matching characters?
    • What if the strings are permutations?
    • What if we have more than two strings to align?
  • Related : Approximate string matching, shortest common superstring

Shortest Common Superstring

Input description: A set of strings \(S = {S_1, \ldots , S_m}\).
Problem description: Find the shortest string \(S'\) that contains each string \(S_i\) as a substring of \(S'\).

  • This can be useful in data compression, DNA sequence assembly.
  • Finding a super-sequence is not a problem, but finding the shortest super-sequence is NP-complete.
  • Easily reducible to asymmetric TSP problem.
  • A greedy heuristic: find the substrings with maximum overlap and merge them, repeat.
  • Related : Suffix trees, text compression


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